100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE - All E-Z UP® Instant Shelter® purchases come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, E-Z UP will make it right, whether it is a custom or stock product.

Free Replacement Parts - E-Z UP® provides free replacement parts for the first year of all professional model instant shelters. Simply provide your original purchase receipt and E-Z UP will handle the rest.

Free Artwork Prep Services - E-Z UP's award-winning custom printing services start with quality images. They offer one hour of free artwork preparation to transform raw images into high-quality vector artwork ready for print. They also provide updated vector image files as part of the purchase.

Free Unlimited Proofs - E-Z UP provides and updates custom product proofs until the customer is completely satisfied with the look, feel, and design. This ensures that customers are happy with their custom printed products before they are produced.